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Walking the Market Place in downtown Tegucigalpa, Honduras, Central America, I was assaulted by the cacophony of sounds—horns honking, salsa music blaring, people laughing, shouting, and talking.
By David Johnson
banner@mckenziebanner.com | 2/11/25 |
Valentine’s Day is this weekend, how do you usually celebrate? In my lifetime it has varied — it’s been a romantic evening out, a galentine’s get-together, a table for one, and dining in with an SVU marathon. I will say, a table for one is the most uncomfortable meal you will ever have in a crowded restaurant.
By Brittany Martin
brittany@mckenziebanner.com | 2/11/25 |
A pet of noble character who can find?
By David Johnson
banner@mckenziebanner.com | 2/4/25 |
Hard to believe we are already into the second month of 2025. January was action-packed with lots of changes, some good and some bad.
By Brittany Martin
brittany@mckenziebanner.com | 2/4/25 |
Boy howdy, you talk about feeling left out. Alone. Ostracized. Adrift at sea. My self-esteem just fell ten floors lower than a whale’s belly….
By Kesley Colbert
Dwight was older than me.
By David Johnson
banner@mckenziebanner.com | 1/28/25 |
The tables were 1950’s metal. The seats were red and white vinyl. We preferred one of the booths in the far back corner. The music bounced between country and rock ‘n’ roll. The milkshakes, cheeseburgers, and fries were delicious. But they were mostly window dressing….
By Kesley Colbert
Governor Bill Lee has called for a special session of the legislature to convene on January 27, 2025, to specifically deal with three issues.
by Dr. Lee Carter, MD
Chairman, Huntingdon SSD Vice President, Tennessee School Board Association | 1/21/25 |
At the end of every presidency, it’s common for the outgoing President of the United States to grant a few interesting and often controversial pardons.
By Jason Martin
jmartin@mckenziebanner.com | 1/21/25 |
Some folks were talking about the greatest invention, event, or happening in our lifetime. Well, in my case, that covers a lot of ground. And I immediately gave them Leon’s stock answer when that question rolled around back in his day:
By Kesley Colbert
Continuing from the December 31, 2024 edition
Then, a waitress came up to us and said, “Y’all need a place to sit?”
By David Johnson
banner@mckenziebanner.com | 1/7/25 |
We never paid much attention to New Year’s. We didn’t celebrate it like Christmas or the Fourth of July. In those early grammar school days, it was sort of a precursor to having the holidays end, precipitating our forced return to the classroom.
By Kesley Colbert
Roger and I were asked to speak at small country church on a Sunday morning, something we were occasionally asked to do by churches in western Kentucky or northwest Tennessee where we practiced as Marriage and Family Therapists.
By David Johnson
banner@mckenziebanner.com | 12/30/24 |
My favorite word for as long as I can remember is “love.” When I learned to write in cursive I fell in love with how it looked, so elegant with the loops through the L. It pairs well with the words peace and harmony. :)
By Brittany Martin
brittany@mckenziebanner.com | 12/17/24 |
I have tried to think of something bad about Christmas. So far, I’m coming up empty. Oh, it is easy today to complain about overspending, crowded shopping centers, gosh-awful traffic, and all the extraneous stuff that comes with the season.
By Kesley Colbert
The following is a response to a letter to the editor from Joyce Hale published on December 3, 2024.
School sports in small towns are experienced differently than in large cities.
By David Johnson
banner@mckenziebanner.com | 12/17/24 |
In high school, I was not the rabble-rouser sort of teen. No fast-and-furious hot rod for me nor getting drunk on weekends.
By David Johnson
banner@mckenziebanner.com | 12/10/24 |
Letter To Editor
Mike Pence warned us. Bill Barr warned us. Chris Christie warned us. Liz Cheney warned us. Dick Cheney warned us. Hillary Clinton warned us. Michael Cohen warned us.
Today is my birthday, I’m almost 40 and I feel it.
By Brittany Martin
brittany@mckenziebanner.com | 11/26/24 |